Divine Living Coaching for Women
Welcome dear women, sister, mother, goddess! Beautiful to meet you here!
If we acknowledge and embody all aspects of the feminine then we’re free to be who we truly are. You can find the intuitive, wise, dark, loving, sensual, erotic, fierce, and juicy feminine inside of you!
Over the past 20 years my work has expanded from Midwifery to Holistic Healing and Transformational and Awakening Coaching. I guide women on their physical and metaphysical birth journeys through the gateway of the Creatrix: to birth themselves into a transformed life of abundance on all levels, with inner treasures revealed and visions manifest.
So if you find yourself at any kind of gateway and are curious about a deeper connection to all aspects of being a woman and if you desire to embody them within yourself, i.e. in a successful easy flowing business, a creative life or a blissful intimate relationship…. then I invite you to check out my coaching programs.
These programs will support you in being the woman that you truly are! Get in touch with your inner potential and make your visions a reality. You can create the meaningful business that you love, working smarter not harder, fully rooted in your feminine, living a fulfilling intimate relationship as well as enjoying precious quality time with your children.
I work with both women entrepreneurs who desire to run a successful business and make impact in the world while keeping their personal life and feminine radiance alive. I also work with women who feel they have lost something whilst caring for their children and who are yearning to rediscover themselves and be creative in ways other than nurturing.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Tent of Transformation to give birth to your deepest, wildest, most loving potential!

SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE ORIENTATION CALLI always start with a free discovery session to see how I can help you and which program is the right fit for you.

How I work
I have more than 15 years of professional experience in the field of health, consciousness and personal development with individuals, couples and groups. My approach is practical, creative and effective. Holding a sensitive and safe space, I accompany my clients with a synthesis of care, humor, powerful coaching techniques and playful practices. This allows you to deepen contact with your inner resources and step by step clarify and actualize your goals.
Drop deeper into your inner wisdom and true nature and so consciously experience your spontaneous creative being!
Magnificent Woman
Do you want to be in your natural power as a woman entrepreneur creating a meaningful life that you love and make an impact in the world without losing your feminine juicy radiance?
Then this program is for you!
Check it out here …

Being Mother & Staying Woman
Being a mother, a beloved, a partner, a best friend, AND fulfil your professionally and creative potential… are you asking yourself how on earth you can possibly do this?!!!
I know what your attempting!
Find ways to not loose contact with yourself here.

SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE ORIENTATION CALLI always start with a free discovery session to see how I can help you and which program is the right fit for you.